Monday, January 31, 2011

price matching update

Just realized, I never let you all know how the whole price matching and meal plan for the month went.  Well I think it went fabulous!  It took a while and I am SO THANKFUL I didn't have the Mover with me,  but it was good!  I am not going to give you a major rundown of everything I bought but my cart was full- hard to push kind of full.  And I spend $135!  That is not bad!  So when I went back and tried to figure out how much I saved it was about 25-30 dollars.  Which I am super happy with that.  Also I learned that every Wal-Mart is different and ours is really laid back.  She didn't even ask to check the ads or anything.  She just was helpful and patient. 

Here is what I learned:

1.  Take the time to circle everything in the ads that you may buy if it is cheaper than that Wal-Mart.

2. On the grocery list - next to the price matched item, some how mark it and but the name of the store you are price matching with (that was the most consuming time wise because I did not do this).

3.  Try to go at a less busy time of day if possible.  I had no one behind me and it really help my nervousness.

4.  It feels super good to leave the grocery store happy! 

Now as long as I stick to the meal plan this should last us a few weeks, minus milk and those staple things and a few little things here and there.  Whhooo hoo!

If you try it in your area, let me know it goes.  I am sure you big town peeps out there can save even more!

Monday, January 24, 2011

On a deeper note

I tend to believe that God will use whatever we have in our lives, to speak into our lives.  Sometimes we give him more opportunities than others.  The last few weeks I am out of control- I  listen to Caedmon's Call everyday, so God is just using it to remind me who I am in Him. 
I could pick a lot of their songs that hit home for me but this one seemed right today. One of my favs anyway, but lately I just really feel like it is a prayer.

"So keep on coming with these lines on the road,
Keep me responsible be it a light or heavy load
Keep me guessin' at these blessings in disguise
Cause I walk with grace my feet and faith my eyes."

And also the line-
"But I get turned around
I mistake my happiness for blessing
I'm blessed as the poor
But still I just success by how I'm dressing"

I could interpret and analyze cause that's how I role, but I will let you listen a few times and do that yourself- for yourself.

Eph. 2:4-9 ish
"Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ even when  we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved....For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this not of yourselves but the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast."

So glad my defining of "success" is not my Father's.  I am better than "good enough",  I shouldn't worry about what others think, or if I think I am "enough".  Christ is my security.  For some reason I find this a difficult truth to hold onto.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


We played outside the other day.  It was warm-- well about 35 degrees=).  The Mover ran around and played in the little snow drifts.

 Investigating every detail.  He tried to tip the wheel barrel over...lots of frustration but kind of funny.
Ended with a nice sippy cup of hot chocolate.  It was good to get outside.

Speaking of outside it is 1 am and I am awake because it is SO windy outside!  If you haven't been to Wyoming -you haven't seen wind-  I am thinking I need hurricane shutters! says 35 mph but it is sounding more like 45 mph at my house!
I was going through summer and fall pictures on my camera cause if you remember my camera was lost since deer hunting.  Tonight I finally downloaded and looked at them.  Wow my baby is growing fast!  I will share some soon. 

Also took a little nap this afternoon with my son, and had the weirdest dream.  I was laying on the couch and in my dream someone had left the front door open and the mover was heading outside.  I knew all of this was happening but I couldn't get off the couch I was just too tired.  I kept falling back asleep and waking up panicking that he was outside.  The weird part is I wasn't really waking up at all, it was all part of my crazy dream.  When I actually woke up- well I didn't feel rested that is for sure.  Anyone else ever have a dream like that?

Just a little bit of the Mover's skillz!  He can turn the iHome off and on- technology is already setting in- and LOVES to dance!

Hope you are all tucked into bed sleeping soundly!

Monday, January 17, 2011

This last week I didn't meal plan- because, well, by nature I am not a planner.  So I just didn't!  It wasn't pretty I tell ya!  I spent my grocery money and still didn't have what I needed and couldn't figure it out.  Super frustrating- got my week all out of wack!  Also this week I really realized something I already kind of knew.
I grocery shop for most things at Wal-Mart- don't judge me. And lately they have raised the price of milk and I have been bitter.  Through this I realized that they price match with any local stores that has things cheaper.  So our Smith's (Kroger) has had milk for $2 instead of $2.50 (Wal-Mart).  At the register I just tell them that and they give me the new price!  I save a dollar (two gallons)!  Then I found this blog...opened my eyes... this dad explained the extent of price matching at Walmart and how much you can save.  Now they only take local sales so mine aren't as many as his, because I don't have as many competitors in town but still it got me formulating.....
So today I sat down and made a meal plan for the whole next month (23rd to 23rd- payday aka payday) Then I listed all the items that I would need weekly so I can buy bulk- if cheaper, or look for sales on those items.

So I have gotten this far but am a little nervous about spending so much of my monthly budget up front  but it makes more sense...also a little nervous about going in and price matching a bunch of stuff and them looking at me like I am crazy.  So I am prepared- I have my Wal-Mart price matching policy and am ready for the ads to come out tomorrow.  Also I am getting mixed answers about if I can price match and have a manufacture coupon for the same product??  I also don't want to get so couponing happy I am buying things I wouldn't even normally buy, just because I am getting a $1.00 off- ya know?  I couldn't sleep last night because I was consumed with these thoughts.

I will let know know how it all goes next week!  I am excited..and is good though...I like saving money=).

Happy MLK Day- my Hubs is home and hanging with the Mover- he loves his daddy and I love them both!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fighting My Paper Towel Addiction

A few months ago I went to Nebraska and visited my wonderful friends- The Horst-( I love them but that is another story-  Amy Horst (wifey and mom of 2  boys) is all greeny and good.  Ya know compost pile and all?  Well one of those green things she is doing is - eliminating paper towels in her house.  I almost hyperventilated at the idea of days in a house with my son without paper towels!  And to be fair they do keep paper napkins around for guests like me.  But I decided to be brave and try it.  Well I survived a few days without them and my son wasn't dirty all the time- huh crazy!
Every time I go to the store I about get nauseous having to spend so much of my precious food budget on dang paper towels- we have a real love- hate relationship!  So I did it!  Took the plunge!  After reading lots of opinions about what is best to use instead of paper towels, I decide on bar mops ( got a few packs from Target) and wash cloths, for the little messy faces and such- they were on sale at Target $1.50 per pack of 6.  Then I bought 2 microfiber towels for windows and such.  Total I spent $14.  I haven't gone cold turkey but I am definitely cutting down.  I think I just threw the tube from the roll I put on there 2 weeks ago.  That may not sound great, but I was burning through paper towels like there was no tomorrow.  And when they run out I am not buying more.  The only thing I really like them for still are the "hey I think I want to dump my bowl of soup on the floor Mom" moments!
I would love to tell you that I am just really earth-friendly but it is probably more true that I am cheap=).  Oh and I got 6 new Bum Genius 4.0 pocket diapers- love them so far and finally feel like after 18 months of washing I have enough diapers!

So there- I am conquering  my addiction to paper towels- never thought it would happen.   In other news- I think my brain is frozen because I just am a flake this week... can't keep track of anything- I blame it on the fact that I am frick in frack freezing in this arctic wasteland called Wyoming- not joking -15 or something in the mornings- dang cold.  Did I just say frick and frack?  Haven't heard that one in a while.

Little Mover has been saying something super funny lately but every time I try to get some audio he stops-  but wait for it- its comin'!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1.  My tree is still is hubby would probably take it out if I reminded him, but I don't, because it is not dead and I love it- it is the perfect tree.  ( I just tried to find a picture but hubby's memory card has disappeared and my camera just got resurrected from my parent's truck where it has been since deer hunting).  So just picture the best tree- yep that was mine.

2. I had an emotional breakdown yesterday because I realized I am yet again lost in the job of parenting and not sure how to get the boy to stop whining and being crazy.  Weird to love someone so much and still clearly see that they are being downright naughty.  So anyway my lovely husband showed his love for me in a way I could definitely understand.  I called him at work (school was over but he was still working- as teachers often do)- crying- he said he would be home in 10 minutes - which essencially means he set everything that he needed to do aside and hurried home.  He took the Mover out for dinner and the the C'mon Inn (we like to go to hotels to run him around- lots of open space=)) and then bought me a "Get Well" balloon and the dollar store.  It might has been the sweetest thing ever.  I sat at home and breathed and drank a cup of tea and prayed and slowly felt sanity return. Honestly 3 hours later when they return I was ready to see them.  I didn't mind though that the Hubby still got him ready for bed and laid him down- no responsibility for me.  It was so needed.

3. I realize just know that to stay in this happy, sane place I need to take a nap while the Mover does - so I better get on that biz.