Sunday, February 20, 2011

I thought he could handle it...

So my son LOVES-- I tell you LOVES yogurt!  So gave him some for lunch- well with lunch the other day.  Didn't even put a bib on--he is so good at eating by himself.  I'm just in the kitchen doing whatever moms are always doing in the kitchen, and turn around to this...
 Doesn't look too bad on first glance..just dipping the ol' binky in the yogurt.  Then I noticed this...

Wow....I don't even know how he got so much in his hair so fast.  That boy has some skillz!!  Oh and this was about an hour after a bath!  Had to laugh!  That stinker:)!

Happy Sunday all and God Bless

1 comment:

Erika May said...

i think yogurt is good for the hair :)